Saturday, August 4, 2012

Happy Belated Esther Day

So I'm not going to go into too much detail in this article, but basically yesterday was Esther Earl's birthday. Which in the nerdfighter community we celebrate as Esther Day. We do this for a number of reasons, but primarily it is to celebrate her life and her amazing contributions to awesome and efforts to decrease world suck, as well as to serve as a constant reminder that we have more pressing priorities than our own wellbeing: other people. Sadly, Esther died of a cancer that had been plaguing her for years at the age sixteen, yet she has been forever immortalized by the amazing friends, family, and community that she loved and that loved her in return. The foundation This Star Won't Go Out was founded by Esther's parents in order to continue Esther's legacy of helping people through charitable contributions to children battling cancer. If you want to donate that link up there will lead to their page where you can donate if you so choose. But more importantly I think the lesson that must be learned from Esther's life is that regardless of who you are or what your situation is, we should love other people to the point that serving ourselves is not something that necessarily matters in comparison to what we can do for other people. That's how Esther lived her life, and she was plagued by the disease her foundation combats. How much more than should we who are blessed with healthy bodies fight world suck and increase the amount of awesome in the world?

Anyway, Esther day was established while Esther was alive by John and Hank Green when John told Esther that they wanted to celebrate her birthday every year in whatever way she wanted them to. She said that on her birthday every year she wanted them to say "I love you" to each other, since the vlogbrothers have always had an issue with saying that to each other. As a result, we celebrate Esther day by telling someone in our lives that we find difficult to say "I love you" to that we love them. And while I celebrated a little early when my dad called me on my birthday, I want to let you guys, my readers, know that I love you too. So my friends, family, and random strangers reading this cause you're bored, I love you guys. For your participation in my life. For your commitment to me as companions. For your patronage and support of this blog. And for just being who you are. Because unless you are a serial killer or something, you just being you in this world is improving the world. Because there is no one like you, and so you have something new and exciting to introduce the world to in yourselves and I hope that Esther inspires you to share your light with everyone you encounter and truly improve our global community. Thanks for reading that slightly awkward point and I look forward to seeing your guys' contributions to this amazing planet on which we live.

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