Scott: A History

Hello internet! And welcome to what may very well be the most entertaining random assortment of thoughts on the internet. Ok probably not, you could find that on youtube a lot better than my blog. But I hope you enjoy what I have to say about movies, books, the internet, and life in general. I know I like talking about it. If you agree with, disagree with, or have something completely different to say to me, please do so in the comments. Please enjoy your visit to ramblingsofacinephile and Don't Forget to be Awesome.

And now for a rapid biography of me. I was born in the Bitterroot Valley in the early morning rain. No wait, that's a John Denver song about Montana. I was born on an airbase in Germany. I've been told I enjoyed it there. However, since I was moved to California at the age of eleven months old my memory of the place is a tad foggy. I have lived in California for twenty years now and currently attend UC Irvine where I am studying Film and Media with a persistent interest that will probably turn itself into a minor in English. I hope to be a professional writer some day, but until then I'll content myself borrowing massive quantities of money from the government while watching movies and writing whatever comes to mind. I spend most of my free time watching vlogbrothers videos, doing something related to Harry Potter or Doctor Who, playing video games, and making videos with my friends (see sideprojects tab).

Also I like cookies. 

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